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Colorado Convention Center, Denver, CO, United States May 12-14, 2025

Product Council Meetings

Product Council Dinners: Wednesday, April 10th
Product Council Meetings: Thursday, April 11th


Product Council members and invited guests are required to register for the In-Person 2024 ULI Spring Meeting to confirm attendance. Council meetings are not live streamed. Therefore, Digital Only registration packages do not fulfill this requirement. No additional steps or add-on registrations are required to confirm Council meeting attendance.

Council Member Attendance Policy

Members of Product Councils are required to attend two out of three consecutive meetings to maintain good standing with their Council. If necessary, please reach out to the Council Chair and/or Vice Chair of Membership to communicate an absence at the 2024 ULI Spring Meeting. Proxies are not permitted in lieu of a Council member’s attendance.


Council meeting agendas will be posted on the Product Council Agenda page when finalized. For information regarding your Council’s meeting prior to agendas being posted, please reach out to your Council leadership team.

Product Council Guests


Housing accommodations are available within the Spring Meeting hotel room blocks unless your Council leadership team has provided you with a separate registration link. Individual reservations can be made once individual registration is complete. The final day to book housing is Friday, March 22 at 12pm EST. Should members have any questions about housing arrangements they can contact [email protected] or call (864) 541-0738. (Note: ULI does not generally sign contracts for hotel room blocks outside of those available at ULI partner hotels.)

More information on Product Councils and membership: