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Colorado Convention Center, Denver, CO, United States May 12-14, 2025

Closing General Session: Innovating During Times of Uncertainty: Adapting Your Business for the New Normal

Thu Apr 11 4:00 PM — 5:00 PM (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time New York Hilton Midtown - Level 3, Grand Ballroom
The business world has transformed tremendously in recent times. Executives are forced to rethink how they operate, what they offer employees, and their greater long-term impact on society. But what does the current business landscape look like for smaller companies? Uncharted Power is a venture-backed small business in the niche power infrastructure space—if you subscribe to the theory of intersectionality, the nature of their business stacks all odds against them. But CEO and founder Jessica O. Matthews is using this time to breed new vision for her company.
If you're exploring innovation and adaptation for your business, Matthews will share how Uncharted Power has pivoted in the new business world by doubling down on their mission of redefining power access and building smarter, safer cities.
She will discuss the following:
• The biggest challenges she has faced as a startup leader and how she's turning adversity into vision;
• The need for small companies to see beyond their own path and understand how they interconnect with other businesses and the world; 
• What recent events have taught us about global infrastructure and how we can make updates to improve public health and lives.



Founder & CEO Uncharted

Jessica O. Matthews is the Founder & CEO of Uncharted, an award winning, Platform as a Service company that helps cities and developers reduce the cost and complexity of deploying and managing last mile infrastructure.

Jessica’s career started at the age of 19 with her invention of the SOCCKET, an energy-generating soccer ball. At the age of 22, Jessica founded Uncharted Power as a power solutions company…